Thursday, July 21, 2011


We just turned 28 weeks. Swelling feet have begun but I believe for the most part it has to do with the chips i've been eating and also the fact that i am not adverse to chocolate anymore. :) I am anticiapting August 4th since that will be the doctors appt that we set up the c-section date. Then we will ACTUALLY know the date she is coming.

I still can't belive that in less then 12 weeks we will be a family of 4. I remember when Herbie and I were trying for Logan and not being able to picture us as a family of 3, let alone now a family of 4. I am excited to start on this new journey. Olivia is definitely a demanding little thing. She loves kicking me and in a way telling me off. I think mainly because I finally get into a comfortable position and she decides its not comfortable for her so she decides to kick me in the bladder....many times.

This weekend we are going camping. This will be Logan's first time ever camping. He is so excited. We are going to Little Grass Valley. It is about an hour and a half from our house. I used to go there when I was Logan's age with our church. It was so much a family vacation that I almost yearn for those years again. It was always filled with laughter (other then the time I got lost in the dark because i took the wrong path). I hope to be able to explore there again and see it through Logan's eyes. Herbie hasn't gone camping there either so he will also get to experience it for the first time. He just can't wait to go fishing!  I am so happy to be of the age that I am not embarrassed to sleep on a blow up mattress. That and with being seven months pregnant I WILL NOT sleep on the ground. I hope to post pictures when we get back.

Have a great day!

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